Healthy Youth Survey Results

You can view HYS results in multiple ways! Click on the boxes below to explore the different result formats.

Data Dashboard

Explore a survey topic with an interactive map, trends, and results by demographics for the state, counties, and Educational Service Districts (ESDs). You can download aggregate data directly from the dashboard!

Data By Location

Find the most recent HYS frequency reports and fact sheets for a specific location. 

Fact Sheets

Find information on important HYS topics at the state and local levels with pre-formatted fact sheets.

Frequency Reports & PowerPoint Slides

Get results for all survey questions with state and local frequency reports. PowerPoint slides of selected results are also available.

Other State Reports

Find state-level Analytic Reports and Bias Analysis.

Past Participation

Find out who participation in HYS by year and who has survey results.

QxQ Analysis

Use the interactive data query system to analyze state and local results for a single HYS question or to analyze two questions together —crossing one Question by another Question (Q x Q).

Data Resources

Get information and tools to help you understand and use HYS results.
